1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Psychiatry

Use of coercive measures in patients with schizophrenia

Research Area:

  Addictions     Anxiety Disorders    Mood Disorders     Genomics   Psychopharmacology

  Eating Disorders    Psychophysiology    Neurodegenerative disorders                                    

 Cognitive Neuroscience    Schizophrenia    Traumatic stress   Social Psychiatry

Doctoral project name:

Use of coercive measures in patients with schizophrenia


Professor Jiří Raboch

Short project description:

Project is dealing with the use of coercive measures in patients with schizophrenia. The term „coercive measures“ includes involuntary admission, involuntary treatment, restraint, seclusion and application of parenteral medication against patients will. The aim of the project is to continue with work that has been done within EUNOMIA project, in which I performed as member of the czech working group. Data will be gathered using questionnaires given to patients with schizophrenia who fulfil all criteria to entry this project. Questionnaires include scales measuring psychopatology, satisfaction with the treatment, quality of life and sociodemographic characteristics. 120 patients will be included and interviewed for three times. In this calendar year subjects from Psychiatric department 1. Faculty of Medicine will be interviewed, collected data will be statistically analyzed and published. Acquired experiences will be discussed, all relevant subjects will be completelly informed with the results and with possibilities how to implement them in clinical practice.

Project goals:

1. To describe what are the socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of legally involuntarily admitted patients.

2. To measure how frequent and intense is perceived coercion in patients legally involuntarily admitted to hospitál

3. To evaluate what coercive treatment measures are applied to these patients.

4. To compare the involuntary admitted patients according to the gender.

Project Milestones, Timing:

Beginning of the project: 1.9.2003

End of the first phase (gathering the data – assessing patients): 31.8.2005

End of the second phase (analyzing the data, statistical analysis, publications): expected - june 2009

number of views: 1754 last modification: 20.01.2011
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