1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Psychiatry

Traumatic Stress, Dissociation and Chaotic Changes of Brain Activation

Research Area:

  Addictions     Anxiety Disorders    Mood Disorders     Genomics   Psychopharmacology

  Eating Disorders    Psychophysiology    Neurodegenerative disorders                                    

 Cognitive Neuroscience    Schizophrenia    Traumatic stress   Social Psychiatry

Doctoral project name:

Traumatic Stress, Dissociation and Chaotic Changes of Brain Activation


Petr Bob, PhD. MSc.

Short project description:

The effect of traumatic stress on structural and functional neurobiological defects was confirmed by current knowledge. One of the investigated hypotheses is the effect of traumatic stress and dissociation on process of kindling, by which repeated stress induces disturbances of the inhibition systems, which are investigated both in localized in the cerebellum structure and in the limbic irritability. These characteristic neurobiological processes, which related with epileptoformic changes, were detected both at level of the frequent EEG abnormality at traumatized and dissociated patients and even at level of the typically cognitive, sensory, behavioral and psychopathological symptoms.

Project goals:

The aim of the study is detailed description of relation of chaotic changes measurable by the psychophysiological a psychometrical measurements – the detection of their relation at patients with the dissociation and with the traumatic stress. Based on the current hypotheses, direct relation between epileptoformic changes and actual rate of the traumatic stress and the dissociation can be supposed.  The aim of the investigation is than using of the methods for diagnostic and research of mechanism incidence of the traumatic stress on mental and the neurobiological functions.

Project Milestones, Timing:

2007 – 2008 – preparation of  investigation,

2008 – 2011 – data collection,

2011 – 2012 – processing and publishing of results.

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