1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Psychiatry

The sibling incest

 Research Area:

  Addictions     Anxiety Disorders    Mood Disorders     Genomics   Psychopharmacology

  Eating Disorders    Psychophysiology    Neurodegenerative disorders    Sexuology                                

 Cognitive Neuroscience    Schizophrenia    Traumatic stress   Social Psychiatry

Doctoral project name:

The sibling incest          


Prof. Petr Weiss, PhD.

Short project description:

To describe the situation of sibling incest in the Czech population. The questionnaire was created for this purpose. After required the questionnaire we will describe the main characteristics of two groups: the perpetrators and the wictims, to be able to work more effectively with these people in the theraphy.

Project goals:

To acguire as much respondets as it is possible to be able to describe the situation of sibling incest in the Czech population. To find concrete people with the experience of s.i. to show how incest can influence the life. To collect information to help to prevent from the abusing, to work more effectively with wictims in the therapy.

Project Milestones, Timing:

2008-studying the topic in the literature, preparing the questionnare, distributing it

2009-completing filled questionares, studying literature, analysing required data

2010-sumaring data, writing articles and the final report


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