1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University 1st Faculty of Medicine Charles University Department of Psychiatry

Offspring´s coping with the transsexualism of their parent

Research Area:

  Addictions     Anxiety Disorders    Mood Disorders     Genomics   Psychopharmacology

  Eating Disorders    Psychophysiology    Neurodegenerative disorders                                    

 Cognitive Neuroscience    Schizophrenia    Traumatic stress   Social Psychiatry

Doctoral project name:

Offspring´s coping with the transsexualism of their parent


Prof. Petr Weiss, Ph.D.

Short project description:

The project deals with offspring´s coping with the transsexualism of their parents. It contains offsprings who were born to transsexual persons before announcing their transsexualism. In the research we focus on relations between parents and their offspring, offspring´s personal characteristics and their gender identity. Persons who participate in the research are divided according their age, biological sex, size of the home town, education, religion and compared. In the research we compare offsprings who have transsexual parent with persons who have not.


Project goals:

One of the goals is to map, describe and understand the situation of persons who have a transsexual parent. The other is to compare persons whose parent is transsexual with those who have not a transsexual parent. Thus we would like to contribute to improve the care of transsexual persons and their offsprings.  


Project Milestones, Timing:

2007/2008 - study literature dealing with transsexualism and prepare metods of research

2008/2009 - data collection

2009/2010 – data management and intrepretation

number of views: 1803 last modification: 20.01.2011
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