Elaboration of a review article on the chosen topic
Elaboration of a review article on the topic chosen for the dissertation in the range of 15 or more pages (font Times New Roman double-spaced, font size 12), including references to literature, no more than half of the text shall be the references. The article can be written in Czech or English language so that the article could serve as a basis for publication and will be used as part of the theoretical part of the thesis.
Part of this form of the examination will be also reviewing process in a style customary in professional journals through two reviews. The first review of the article may be done by advisor or another reviewer who is an expert in that field. In the standard range (about half pages of text).The second part of the reviewing process will be conducted by the doctoral board when the content of the article is presented through a short PowerPoint presentation in the range of about 5-8 minutes after which it will be followed by the debate on the topic of a work. Part of the exam is submision of one copy of the article along with a first review at the beginning of examination.
The first year exam for the academic year 2022/23 will be held on Tuesday March 28 at 9:30 in the library of our department.
Application for exam please send by e-mail to stepan.david@lf1.cuni.cz.